The Amy Grant concert was awesome beyond awesome. I adore her and her voice is just one of the most beautiful tones I've heard. Her band was excellent, her keyboardist's Cher impression was stellar, and the songs were SO FUN. There were so many songs that I knew as a child that I haven't heard since then. I was singing along to every song just like I had never forgotten that the song even existed! We had a blast and I was so thankful for the opportunity to go!
This weekend I got to help my BFF Lindsee with her middle school/high school Girl's Retreat. First of all, it MUST BE SAID that my Lindsee worked her little booty off and it SHOWED. That girl had it together and the girls had a blast. Her creative juices were just a flowin and I don't think anyone could've planned that thing better. The girl has a gift for girl's ministry and I am so proud of her!
Secondly, I was reminded this weekend how HARD middle school was! Those girls are going through some stuff, ya'll. It broke my heart, hearing what they go through and what they are fighting. That generation needs our prayers. I so enjoyed leading the 8th grade girls with Cristina and I will continue to left up those girls by name to our Jesus.
Thirdly, I got to meet Shelly and Abby! Actually, I have met Abby once before but I got to spend a bit more time with her and it was a blast. Shelly is as adorable as I imagined her. She is so blessed and she spoke truth over those girls. They absolutely adored her and I hope they heard what she had to say. If nothing else, Shelly was speaking to MY heart this weekend. I learned alot about what I put my self-worth in and I was reminded that I am the daughter of a King.
Saturday evening, Grant and I drove around looking at houses. We found this neighborhood full of cute, small, little starter homes. We got all excited until we finally came up on one that was for sale that had a flyer in the little tube. This cute little starter house was a cute little $200,000 out of our price range. Clearly, we were in a very expensive zip code or something! We were floored! After our dissapointing house hunt, we went to see the James Bond movie. It was typical. :)
After church yesterday, Grant and I spent the day with a sweet couple from our Sunday school class. Grant & Ben played golf together while Lynn and I shopped at the outlet mall. Girls, I got the cutest shoes. The. Cutest. Shoes. AND I got this cute green dress from Banana Republic that will look great with black tights and boots. I just had a blast getting to know Lynn and I am so glad to have made a new friend! We are absolutely fine with our husband's golfing if that means we get to shop!! My intention was to buy Christmas presents, but I found some super cute stuff for me.
So now I am at my desk at work... I am loving the chilly weather. I am motivated this morning after such a refreshing weekend and ready to take on this week. My prayer is that I do everything for HIS glory and not for my own.
Love you, sweet friends!
I love everything about this post!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for being there to be with those sweet 8th graders. I know they loved you!
P.S. Still jealous about Amy. (And yes, we are on a first name basis!)
Glad you had fun at the concert Jen! And that girl's retreat sounds like such a blast! Lindsee sounds a real sweetheart.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I totally think you should post a pic of the cute shoes!
Yay! I had fun too!
ReplyDeleteI think I got the same green dress at couple of weeks ago and I am SO excited to bust out the tights and boots with it!
ReplyDeleteAww, I love the Coopers!!!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great Thanksgiving!! :)