Let me first say that your love and support of Matthew McConaughey has been overwhelming. From your texts, emails, tweets, comments, and stopping me in real life to share your love for Matthew McConaughey... I have just been bombarded with the passion we share for MM.
The next time we vacation together, I will let him know.
So here is what is up with me:
For the next two nights, I will be helping record the "guide vocals" for the Christmas CD that our choir is distributing at the Christmas Celebration performances in December. The entire choir is recording this weekend, but a few of us are spending tonight and tomorrow night singing the guide vocals so the choir will have that in their ears when they record. It will be a very late night and will include very much coffee.
Also, I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS PART, the family is coming in this weekend! Grant's parents, brother, sister-in-law, and the three kiddos are coming to spend the weekend with us! Chase, Ronda and the babies are staying at our house and I am so excited. Olivia is 4 months old now which is one of my very most favorite ages and I will snuggle her all weekend! Being that I will have been at church till 11:00 Wednesday and Thursday of this week, I am certain that when the family arrives Grant and I will look like this:

Because that is pretty much how we look all the time. I don't see why this week would look any different.
Last night was also super fun. I went to the Beth Moore Bible study and learned some amazing stuff... and Christy Nockels sang which was phenomenal.... AND i got to see these lovely ladies

(as well as about 60 other people that I love dearly) and I came home very happy.
And hungry.
Which is why breakfast tacos are on my plate.
Don't tell me you were there on Tuesday and I missed another opportunity to meet you! This is getting crazy! And I even came over to see my friend Deb and finally meet Lindsee. I must have missed you. Bummer!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you had fun and I KNOW you will have your dress and pearls ready! ;)