I was beyond thankful that work was over. It had been a long week... not necessarily a bad week, but long nonetheless. Grant and I had been dying to see the new Night at the Museum sequel so we sent out an email to some of our church friends asking them to join us for dinner and a movie! We ate at Red Robin, I do love their fries. However, Katie and I got a turkey burger and it was not satisfying at all. Turkey burgers at Red Robin do not hold a candle to the real burgers. I'm just sayin. Then, all 8 of us sat down at the movies and enjoyed popcorn and sour patch kids. Special thanks to Katie for realizing that she had accidentally snuck in some dark chocolate.
The movie was super cute and we had a great time with our friends. When we got home, Grant and I continued to work on our stupid puzzle. Yes, sometime last week Grant and I decided to start a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. We are now at the point of no return and have finished about 25% and it is HARD. On any given day, you might see one of us walking by the puzzle and staring at in disgust, followed by, "I hate you, puzzle". We WILL finish it though, I promise!
Chapter 2- Saturday
Grant left early to go play a little golf, and I slept in! It was SO nice. After I woke up, I took my dear sweet time getting myself ready for the day. I watched a few shows that I had DVR'd and took my Moxie boy on a walk.
I drove out to Cypress for lunch. Lindsee and I had some yummy Chinese food. We both had the sesame chicken as we discussed important topics such as how people with large foreheads need side bangs more than anyone. Also, if the owners of Hunan Village are readers of my blog, I would just like to say that you need to put more Diet Coke in the cups and less ice. You had so much ice in there, poor Lindsee would take 2 sips and need a refill. Thank you for your consideration.
Then I drove over to Jaclyn's house since we were going to a graduation party. Our cousin Katie is getting married in November and her fiance' James has just graduated from Law school! HOORAY for JAMES! Jaclyn, baby Dean and I headed over to the party. A great time was had by all, and I do love love love that baby Dean. What a sweet boy he is, and SO cuddly.
When I got back to the apartment, we spent a little bit more time on the stupid puzzle, and then headed over to Katie & Mo's. We swam in the pool, relaxed in the hot tub, and enjoyed yummy burgers that Mo cooked for us on the grill. Katie & I both requested turkey burgers again. When we were eating them, we were both raving about how yummy these turkey burgers were and how if all turkey burgers tasted like this, I would eat them all the time. Mo then said, "Oh, wait, Jen, you have a regular burger". Thanks! It was a wonderful night with our dear friends.
Chapter 3- Sunday
Sunday morning we went to church. We had a wonderful lesson in Sunday school. We are going through 1 John and I am really loving it. I am loving meeting all the new people in the class and getting to know them. SO many girls are bloggers, I love it! After class we went into the service which was very lovely and honoring. There were many families there who have lost a loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan and I was so glad we could honor them and show our appreciation. I cried through alot of the service just knowing that there were so many grieving people among us. I am so thankful for our military!
After church, Grant and I headed home for lunch since we had been eating out so much. We just had sandwiches and leftovers. Then Grantley left to play golf with his friends Ben & Jim. I did laundry and watched some horrible Lifetime movies! It was a blast. The boys got rained out though so Grant walked back through the door very shortly. Poor guys, they were so bummed out. But we went to Fuzzy's Pizza for dinner and spent the rest of the evening watching Hitch (WE LOVE THAT MOVIE) and working on the stupid puzzle!
Chapter 4- Monday- Memorial Day
Since the guys had gotten rained out on Sunday, I told Grant that I was fine with him trying to play again on Memorial Day. So he and Ben took off again for a second attempt, and this one was successful! I laid around the house in the morning and then drove out to Cypress again. My parent's teach a Sunday school class at their church. It is all people that have been married around 5 years and have real little kiddos. My mom and dad had a little Memorial Day party and it was so fun. The dads and the kids swam in the pool and we had hot dogs and burgers and ice cream. I had a nice time visiting with them and I will take any excuse I can to have a hot dog!
When I got back to the apartment, Grant was already home from golf. We changed clothes, headed to the gym for a quick workout and then headed to Kroger for our weekly shopping trip. I saved over $15.00 off by bill and got all our groceries for $46.58. HOORAY! I came home and made something called Lasagna Toss which was SO good. Then we watched the Bachelorette (I have mixed feelings about Jake) and I watched Jon & Kate Plus 8. I am so sad for them. I actually prayed for them this morning. I hope they make it...
It was such a great weekend. It actually felt longer than it was and I am back at work right now sipping on my Diet Coke! Life is good.
Have a great week! It's a short one so be grateful!
And thank you for reading my novel.
haha- my fave part was the turkey burger that wasn't really turkey!!!! hahahahaha what a fun weekend!
ReplyDeleteOh I am SO sad about Jon and Kate. It was so sad hearing them both sound so hopeless when it comes to their marriage. :(
ReplyDeleteTotally missed the bachelorette because of Jon and Kate but will catch up soon so we can chat about it!
Loved seeing you so much this weekend!!!
It was great catching up with you yesterday!
ReplyDeleteWe watched Hitch too! Love that movie!
ReplyDeleteJ&K+8 was super depressing. I don't know if I can stand to watch the show anymore, knowing what I know now. The whole episode was just heavy and sad. ugh!
I agree...I'm not sold on Jake yet. Have a good week!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great weekend, my favorite part would be the sleeping in!! I need to catch up on some shows, I hate all the stuff is going with Jon and Kate, hopefully it will work out! I like pictures with the novels I read! :)
ReplyDeleteI am so tickled over my Diet Coke matter. People must have thought I was just chuggin' that hummer down!