My niece, Grace, is 4.
My nephew, Dean, is 2.
Grace and Dean taught me a few things:
Grace got her Pocahontas costume in the mail that Aunt Shannon sent her and "it is absolutely adorable."
Grace told me all kinds of things about her Pocahontas dress. She cupped my face in her hands and stroked my hair, and then tucked my hair behind my ears as she told me about how the shoes, the necklace, and the dress. She says they are "so wonderful".
When a little girl intends to order a corn dog but accidentally says "corn on the cob", she will be VERY upset when a corn dog does not appear but in fact sends vegetables in its place.
When a little boy gets new Batman pajamas, he really feels the need to talk about them. I mean, they are Batman pajamas. There is a lot to talk about.
When Captain Jack Sparrow and Black Beard have a sword fight, their swords fall out of their hands many, many times and there is lots of crawling under the table to find their swords.
Dean thinks that his daddy is "kinda funny".
They really are amazing and you should click here to see fantastic pictures of those darling little ones!
and they ADORE you! It was so fun to see you last night, and yes, quite entertaining as well. A corn dog and corn on the cob are not the same things. at all.