Friday, December 4, 2009

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

Well, folks... it is officially snowing here in Houston, Texas. And not just like little sleet things that kinda look like snow. REAL snow. LEGIT snow. BIG BIG snowflakes. I'm on the 14th floor of my office building and have watched the Lord show off this morning. It has been absolutely beautiful. AND, I get to leave work early today! WOO HOO! For your northerners I know this sounds silly to you but I can count on one hand the amount of times this has happened in my 25 years of life, so we are kinda excited down here in the great south!
I plan on getting in sweats and drinking hot chocolate, WITH MARSHMALLOWS, THANKYOUVERYMUCH, and putting the Snuggie to good use. Hooray for a SNOW DAY!
Grant is already at home today and he just took this picture with his Blackberry and sent it to me. That's our little Moxie, enjoying his walk in the snow.

That is outside of our apartment. Ya know, our new house (that we are closing on in TWO WEEKS) has a gas-log fireplace in the living room. If we lived there right now... tonight would totally be a fireplace night :)

Merry Christmas everybody. Thank you Lord, for this fun day. STAY SAFE out there people. You know we Houstonians are absolutely stupid when it comes to driving in cold weather!


  1. how fun! it did snow here in the ATX :) but unlike you lucky Houstonians... it did not stick :) enjoy your early day off!

  2. im slightly disappointed that the sun came out at about 3:30 over here but it was indeed a fun snow day! there is no road salt in the City of Houston, that is the major concern for the roads, so for the notherners...ya...we are just unprepared for this!

  3. I so wish we would have gotten more!! I can't believe places south of town got like 4 inches, crazy!!

  4. Do you remember last week when it snowed? Sigh.... I wish it would do that again!
