Tina, this dress has a cute cut and shape but the pattern on it came from an Egyptian pyramid.

I don't really know who this is but her dress is very pretty.

Hey, look! It's the newly married Krasinski's! He is handsome. Her dress is very lavender and something is wrong with it.

This is just crazy because my arms look exactly like that. It's as if they took a picture of my arms and put them on her body. Crazy.

This is Mindy Kaling. She is an actress and writer on one of my very favorite shows, "The Office". She is hilarious with a capital H. And this dress is horrid with a capital H. The whole thing is just wrong and I'm not sure what bet she lost but oh my heavens. Bless her heart.

Detective Olivia Benson is so pretty and her dress is gorgeous but I'm gonna need her to put on some blush.

This is a girl from "The Hills" and I'm not sure why she deserves to be at the Emmy's. The green looks good on her and the dress is cute but I feel like she could wear that to a country club. This is the Emmy's honey. Dress up. Mmmkay?

The skirt is fine but I'm pretty certain she got the shirt, belt and necklace from Chico's or something. Talbot's. Whatever.

This is the necklace of Lea Michelle. I looove it. Maybe I could buy it for myself? I bet it only costs like thirty dollars or something.

And here is her whole person. Ever so pretty.

Kristin Wiig is one of my very favorite funny ladies and she is wearing one of my very least favorite dresses.

I don't know who this pretty little princess is but she is a beautiful little girl. Hooray for being age appropriate!! Although, she is kinda posing like Jon Benet.

Ohhhh hi! How are you? I'm good! How are you? Good! Oh, okay well your dress is really ugly. Have a great night!

KATE!!!! OH, you make me wanna THROW UP!! WHAT in the WORLD are you DOING at the EMMY'S, woman!?!? GO HOME. Now. Go home. Go. Home.

Excellent choice of earrings!

Jewel reminds me of a table cloth.

I love everything about this. Love the hair. Love the necklace. Love the bracelets. Love the dress. LOVE. THE. DRESS. Love the cut. Love the color. LOVE.

Um, I um... um, I ....... I don't...... no.... because, see.... I mean, it's well.... um. Um.

Hair, awesome. Necklace, AMAZING. Dress, beautiful. Oh, wait, no. Dress is actually a good 2 feet too short.