Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Night Before I Enter My 30's

I'm signing in from Cousin Camp 2014. It's our annual week of getting all the littles together and playing and swimming and having a blast in general. Ellie couldn't be happier and everyone is having a great time. 

I'm forcing myself to have a great time as I have been to an Urgent Care clinic twice in less than a week. The most recent trip was incredibly beneficial as I left there with a steroid shot, an antibiotic, a mega-powerful cough syrup and another inhaler. Combine that with the other inhaler and steroid pill, as well as the Mucinex and Robitussin and you've got yourself a highly medicated girl. A sweet friend even brought me some essential oils which I am applying topically and diffusing at night. Literally doing everything I can to not get pneumonia. But I'm on the mend and getting to participate in a few more activities every day. I missed the first beach day, pool day, and Schlitterbahn since the doctor told me to stay out of the sun and heat. As you can imagine, that is problematic on a beach trip. But, due to strong drugs and some sweet prayers, I feel like I could be coming out of the fog. Which is a good thing since I TURN THIRTY TOMORROW. 

30, Y'ALL. 


My best friend, Lindsee, texted me today just to inform me that tomorrow I will be 30 and when did that happen and we are officially old. Bless her. It's true. 


I'm not necessarily upset about it, it just feels weird. I've been in my 20's for like... well, a decade.... It is just a smidge bizarre. Bizarre... yet I'm thankful for another year of life and excited about all the amazing things this new decade can hold. 

In the immediate future, I hope that my birthday has no coughing whatsoever. 

But I hope it has lots of pasta. 

And cheese. 

May my 30's bring lots of cheese, Lord. 

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